
A Message For You The Reader

Our goal here is to provide you with the simple facts with cited sources. And with this information you are charged to put aside political ideology and draw a honest conclusion about what you believe and act upon this new found knowledge. But I warn you that should you read further you will have the knowledge. Those that have knowledge are accountable for the knowledge and one day will answer to the creator as to what you did with said knowledge! Even if you are not religious, you still have to answer to yourself and others as to what you have done with the knowledge.  Have I been duped?  Am I lying to myself?

We will address the many societal problems that face our nation today. All of it is self inflicted by our uni-party system of outrageous Democrat and Liberal debauchery and the feckless Republican party. To be clear, we believe that conservative ideology based firmly in the Judeo-Christian bible is superior to the secular liberal/socialist/progressive ideology of today.

Decay Of The Nation

We are greatly concerned with the failing of our nation. All around we see social, moral, and economic decay as a result of Democrat and Liberal policies. These policies are an abomination of our country’s founding Judeo-Christian values. For example, Democrats and their voters support Gender Reassignment surgery for children. Google’s AI, Bard, reports the youngest known child to have this surgery was only 10 years old. describes Gender Dysphoria as:

A diagnosis for gender dysphoria is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. So yes, it is a mental illness!

Democrats and their voters support unrestricted access to Abortion. Better known as Pro-Choice. Google’s Bard AI reports there are currently 10 states with no gestational limits on abortion. The most recent data from 2020, Guttmacher Institute Abortion Estimates, indicates the lives of 930,160 babies was taken annually. The CDC reported that 27.1% were performed on black women. That is 252,355 black lives taken by Democrats and their voters in a single year. As a Black American, this makes me fear Democrats far more that any White Supremist! With respect to racially motivated killing of Blacks, Google’s Bard AI states: In 2020, there were 57 hate crimes motivated by anti-Black bias that resulted in one or more fatalities.

Defund the Police. Democrats and their voters supports defunding the police due to the mainstream media willful misleading the public on the amount of unarmed Blacks killed by police. According to the Washington Post’s database of fatal police shootings, 19 unarmed Black people were killed by police in the United States in 2022. Now, contrast that to the killing of 252,355 Black babies by the Democrats and their pro-choice voters. In cities were police were demoralized and defunded, it has resulted in increased crime disproportionately affecting inner city Black communities where crime is significantly higher. Common sense tells you less police equals more crime. Additionally, it results in increased time waiting for police to respond to emergencies.